Thibault Clérice ; Ariane Pinche - Artificial colorization of digitized microfilms: a preliminary study

jdmdh:8454 - Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 12 avril 2023, 2022 -
Artificial colorization of digitized microfilms: a preliminary studyArticle

Auteurs : Thibault Clérice ORCID1,2,3,4,5; Ariane Pinche ORCID6,2,4,7,5

A lot of available digitized manuscripts online are actually digitized microfilms, a technology dating back from the 1930s. With the progress of artificial colorization, we make the hypothesis that microfilms could be colored with these recent technologies, testing InstColorization. We train a model over an ad-hoc dataset of 18 788 color images that are artificially gray-scaled for this purpose. With promising results in terms of colorization but clear limitations due to the difference between artificially grayscaled images and "naturaly" greyscaled microfilms, we evaluate the impact of this artificial colorization on two downstream tasks using Kraken: layout analysis and text recognition. Unfortunately, the results show little to no improvements which limits the interest of artificial colorization on manuscripts in the computer vision domain.

Volume : 2022
Rubrique : Vers un écosystème numérique : NLP. Infrastructure de corpus. Méthodes de récupération des textes et de calcul des similarités de textes
Publié le : 12 avril 2023
Accepté le : 12 avril 2023
Soumis le : 7 septembre 2021
Mots-clés : [SCCO.COMP]Cognitive science/Computer science,[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature
Financement :
    Source : OpenAIRE Graph
  • The Manuscrit du Roi. Image, Text and Music; Financeur: French National Research Agency (ANR); Code: ANR-18-CE27-0016

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