VSST 2016
8th. Edition of the International Colloquium
Scientific and Technological Strategic Intelligence
October 18th., 19th. and 20th. 2016 in Rabat (Morocco)
Thematics keynotes & tutorials
Special ISSUE: VSST Data Mining and Big Data best contributions
Description :
The 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Technological Strategic Intelligence 2016 (VSST'2016) will be organized with the objective of gathering researchers, developers, and practitioners from academic and industrial sectors and whose work is based on the different facets of competitive intelligence. The conference will serve as a forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development and implementation of competitive intelligence systems, methodologies, technologies, and applications.
Since 1995, the main objective of VSST'2016 is to create a program that establishes and achieves a balance between theory and practice, academy and industry, systems/tools-oriented research and content creation.
VSST’2016 will be held in the city of Rabat, Morocco.
VSST'2016 will include lectures, tutorials, sessions, panels by experts and doctoral symposium, to identify new approaches in competitive intelligence, big data mining, scientific and technological strategic intelligence.
ORGANIZED BY: VSST Association and Faculty of Sciences in Rabat.
PARTNERS: IEEE Morocco Chapter, ENSIAS, ENSA Al-Hoceima, CNRS, IRIT.
Papers are invited in the following fields of Scientific and Technological Strategic Intelligence :
Information System and competitive Intelligence
Strategic information and competitive intelligence systems
Technological Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence
Market intelligence
Territorial Intelligence and Smart City
Identifying trends and early warning signs
Information and Knowledge Extraction
Information, computer and network security
Data Visualization
Data Mining and predictive analysis
Web Mining
Big Data
Big Data Analytics
Social Media Analysis
Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data Analytics
Online Content and Log Mining
Spatial, Temporal, and Graph Data Analytics
Stream Data Analytics
Content-Aware Analytics