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Intelligent computing for culture heritage and digital humanities
Doctoral Studies Conference
Wuhan University – École nationale des chartes – PSL
19-20 September 2024, Paris, France
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and in order to strengthen exchanges and mutual understanding between the two countries in the field of cultural heritage and digital humanities, and to enhance the knowledge and understanding of both sides in this field, the School of Information Management of Wuhan University (China), the Intellectual Computing Laboratory for Cultural Heritage of Wuhan University (China), the Centre Franco-Chinois de la Culture Digitale et du Patrimoine of Wuhan University (China) and the Centre Jean-Mabillon (E. A. 3624) of the École nationale des chartes (France) are organising doctoral days to be held in Paris on 19-20 September. The aim of these days is to enable communities from both establishments to exchange ideas on common research topics: heritage and the ways in which it is transmitted, understood, shared and passed on, focusing on three themes:
- What digital technology is doing to the conservation, handling and knowledge of heritage objects, fonds and collections - tools, methods, experiments, results
- Digital uses in the humanities and social sciences: epistemological issues and disciplinary transformations
How to design a roadmap for building a native digital heritage: institutions, processes, audiences
Guest editors:
Michelle Bubenicek, professor, École nationale des chartes (France),
Elsa Marguin-Hamon, senior lecturer HDR, École nationale des chartes (France),
WANG Xiaoguang, professor, Wuhan University (China)
WANG Yujue, professor, Wuhan University (China)
XIONG Peiyao, assistant researcher, Wuhan University (China)
Handwriting recognition and integrated text processing chain, from the original medium to editing and indexing
发言人:Chahan Vidal-Gorène, Marie Bizais-Lillig (University of Strasbourg): “Automated handwriting recognition applied to Chinese historical documents”
Olivier Canteaut, Vincent Jolivet and Lucas Terriel: “the ANR E-NDP project”
Combining ontology and nanopublication models to reconstruct commentaries on ancient Chinese Classics
发言人:翁梦娟,武汉大学(WENG Mengjuan, Wuhan University)
题目:利用“潜在-实效” 认知模型构建法语“être”一词的语义分布情况
Le schème Puissance-Effet au service de la subduction du mot être en français : approche cognitive
发言人:熊培尧,武汉大学(XIONG Peiyao, Wuhan University)
New Heritage Objects: collection, processing and scientific use
发言人:Emmanuelle Bermès, Alexandre Faye (BnF) “Archiving the vernacular web: the example of skyblogs”.
GenAI-Powered Digital Storytelling of Cultural Heritage: From Responsible Curation to Human-centred Design
发言人:赵珂,武汉大学(ZHAO Ke, Wuhan University)
Research on the construction of digital twin data system for cultural heritage institutions: A case study of the Palace Museum
发言人:刘文斌,武汉大学(LIU Wenbin, Wuhan University)
Issues of interoperability of information systems in Archives
发言人:Florence Clavaud: “An overview of ICA Records in Contexts (RiC), the new international standard for describing records”
AI technology helps build cultural heritage data
发言人:李段腾川,武汉大学(LI Duantengchuan, Wuhan University)
题目:基于摄影测量方法进行大规模复杂结构石窟数字化: 云冈石窟第 13 号洞窟案例研究
Large Scale and Complex Structure Grotto Digitalization Using Photogrammetric Method: A Case Study of Cave No.13 in Yungang Grottoes
发言人:黄先锋,武汉大学(HUANG Xianfeng, Wuhan University)
Using digital tools to understand the city, its forms and its history
发言人:Charlotte Duvette, Paul Kervégan, Colin Prudhomme (Histoire du Quartier Richelieu project)
题目:基于三维建模的考古发掘动态记录:中国湖北郧县 3 号人头骨化石发掘案例研究
Dynamically documenting archaeological excavations based on 3D modeling: a case study of the excavation of the #3 fossil of hominin cranium from Yunxian, Hubei, China
发言人:牛文渊,武汉大学(NIU Wenyuan, Wuhan University)
Optical recognition for documentation and knowledge of collections
发言人:Bénédicte Gady (Musée des Arts décoratifs), Emmanuelle Bermès and Marion Charpier: “TORNE-H, an AI-based data processing worfklow for photographic collections”
发言人:Edouard de Saint-Ours (Musée Guimet), Christopher Kermorvant (TEKLIA), “The HikarIA project: Using artificial intelligence to research and promote Japanese photographic heritage”