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Amblard | Frédéric | Agent-Based Simulation of Social Systems:Agent-based simulation, social networks:, modelling and simulation of social influence, opinion dynamics, attitude dynamics, information diffusion, diffusion of innovation |
Arampatzis | Avi | Information Retrieval:information retrieval:natural language processing:text mining:data mining: |
Atzmüller | Martin | data mining, social computing, mining social media, web science, machine Learning, text mining, big data: |
Bachimont | Bruno | Cognitive Science, Representations, User Interfaces, Multimedia, Ontology Mining:archive:cultural studies:digital ressource:media studies:ontology:philosophy:knowledge engineering:digital preservation:epistemology:digital libraries: |
Baider | Fabienne |
Linguistik, Gender Studies:abstract expressionism:actor-network theory:aesthetic:agent modeling:anthropology:archaeology:archive:art history:asian studies:asynchronous learning:audio:authorship attribution:bibliographic method:big tent digital humanities:blended learning:blogging:classical studies:codework:computational linguistics:concording:content analysis:copyright:corpus stylistics:creative arts:crowdsourcing:cultural infrastructure:cultural studies:digital humanities:digital pedagogy:digitisation:digital ressource:discourse analysis:english studies:film studies:flattening learning curve:flipped classroom:folklore:french studies:geospatial analysis:gallerie:game:gamification:gender studies:genre-specific studies:german studies:hashtag:historical studies:history:hypertext:information retrieval:internet:interdisciplinary collaboration:italian studies:law:lexicography:linguistics:linking:literary studies:machine translation:mashup:media studies:medieval studies:mobile application:morphology:music:natural language processing:near eastern studies:ontology:open source:philology:philosophy:project design:prosodic studies:publishing:renaissance studies:scholarly editing:semantic analysis:social computing:social media:spanish studies:speech processing:standards:stylistics:teaching:text encoding:text generation:theology:translation studies: |
Bellamy | Craig | history and media studies and work at the intersection between computing and the humanities (the Digital Humanities) and more recently, eLearning. I have a MA in history (history and hypertext) and a PhD in history and new media (interactive hypertextual video). My present research interests include death and the internet, the politics of the NBN, eLearning Environments, topic modelling (I’m still learning here!), political deliberation systems, Virtual Research Environments, and broader debates about the Digital Humanities field and pedagogy |
Ben-Yahia | Sadok | fuzzy logic, ontologies, social network mining (folksonomies), (fuzzy) association rules, rule extraction:Fouille de données, Ontologies, réseaux sociaux, Analyse de concepts formels |
Berry | David | methodological and theoretical challenges of studying digital media, particularly algorithms, software and code. This is undertaken through an approach drawing from phenomenology, critical theory and cultural political economy. He also has strong research interests in the philosophical and theoretical implications of the work of Adorno, Heidegger, Kittler, Arendt, Tarde, and Latour. David's research covers a wide theoretical area including culture, political economy, media/medium theory, software studies, actor-network theory, the philosophy of technology, and the computational turn in Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences (Digital Humanities) |
Bichindaritz | Isabelle | health information technology, case based reasoning |
Büchler | Marco | anomaly detection:m:anomaly detection
applications of computational intelligence:m:applications of computational intelligence: artificial intelligence:m:artificial intelligence: automatic classification:m:automatic classification:automatic classifications: clustering:m:clustering: cognition modeling:m:cognition modeling: data mining:m:data mining: data normalization:m:data normalization: digital platform:m:digital platform:digital platforms digital standards for data management:m:digital standards for data management: information extraction algorithms:m:information extraction algorithms:information extraction: knowledge mining:m:knowledge mining: machine learning:m:machine learning: natural language processing:m:natural language processing: network:m:network:networks:relationship:relationships:graph:graphs: text mining:m:text mining:text analysis: web mining:m:web mining: authorship attribution:h:authorship attributions:authority:authorities: computational linguistics:h:computational linguistics: corpus stylistics:h:corpus stylistics: digital humanities:h:digital humanities: information retrieval:h:information retrieval:informations retrieval: natural language processing:h:natural language processing:natural languages processing: stylistics:h:stylistics:stylometry: |
Burrows | Simon | A historian of the European enlightenment, the eighteenth-century public sphere and the French revolution, he is known for his innovative studies of the press and French exile writers in Britain and above all as the instigator and principal investigator of the AHRC-funded 'French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe' (FBTEE) database project, which has won wide acclaim among historians, literary scholars, bibliographers and digital humanists:Critical Digital Humanities, Theories of digital code/software/algorithms (software studies/digital humanities), Cryptography and Critical Technical Practice, Opacity |
Calzolari | Nicoletta | Language Resources and Knowledge Resources; Computational Lexicography and Lexicology: Lexical Knowledge Bases, Multilingual lexicons, Machine-readable dictionaries, Lexicons, Ontologies and Terminologies; Standardisation and reusability of lexical resources; Corpus Linguistics; Knowledge Acquisition; Morphology and word-formation; Lexical Semantics and Semantic Annotation; Collocations and Multi-words; Validation of Language Resources; Infrastructural issues related to Language Resources |
Chandra | Yanto | social entrepreneurship, social finance, entrepreneurship, and research methods to study the behavior and language of entrepreneurial actors. His work combines techniques from quantitative text analysis, computational linguistics, semantic network analysis, and text mining:computational qualitative method:text mining:social data mining:social network analysis:natural language processing:knowledge representation:knowledge visualization:bibliographic method:computational linguistics:concording:content analysis: |
Chen | Huang Kua | Information Retrieval and Evaluation, Natural Language Processing, Digital Libraries:natural language processing:text mining:database management system:computational linguistics:corpus stylistics:content analysis:machine translation:information retrieval: |
Jian Cheng | Lv | Machine Learning theory, Learning in Neural Networks, Learning applications: Hand Gesture Recognition, Intelligent Information Retrieval, Data Mining |
Choi | Byron | Graph-structured databases and XML, Incremental maintenance algorithms and view updates, Database security, User interfaces for database systems, Data publishing:big data analytics:clustering:computational qualitative method:cross validation:data-intensive:data mining:data normalization:data warehousing:database management system:decision tree:k-means:k-nearest neighbor:social data mining:social network analysis:vc theory:web mining |
Ciula | Ariana | modelling and creation of digital resources dealing with primary sources; digital palaeography; digital philology; TEI; research infrastructures; knowledge representation and modelling |
Cummings | James | Markup, XML, and the TEI; TEI ODD Documentation and Meta-Schemas; XSLT; XQuery; XPath; Data Modelling; Legacy Data Migration; Data Conversion and Cleansing; Manuscript Description; Native XML Databases; Digital Medieval Studies; Hierarchical taxonomy categorisation; DH Pedagogy |
Craig | Hugh | Linguistic and Literary Computing: He has devoted decades of research to proving that statistics can help us analyse and appreciate literary texts. |
Dardzinska-Glebocka | Agnieszka | Discovery of action rules, query answering |
Fellbaum | Christiane | automatic language analysis, Ontologies and lexical resources (WordNet):lexicography:linguistics:linking:morphology:semantic analysis:computational linguistics:cognition modeling:natural language processing: |
Fong | Simon |
Data Mining (Data Stream Mining, Big Data, Advanced Analytics) Bio-inspired Metaheuristics Intelligent Applications (Business Intelligence, e-Commerce, Biomedical Applications, Wireless Sensor Networks, etc.)anomaly detection:applications of computational intelligence:artificial intelligence:artificial neural network:association rule:audiovisual indexing:automatic classification:bagging:bias-variance dilemma:big data analytics:boosting:clustering:cross validation:customer relationship management:data mining:data normalization:decision tree:deep learning:entropy:expectation-maximization:exploratory data analysis:factor analysis:feature learning:genetic algorithm:genetic operator:hierarchical classification:hill climbing search:hypothesis testing:information extraction algorithms:intelligent agent:k-means:k-nearest neighbor:knowledge mining:knowledge representation:knowledge visualization:kohonen network:linear regression:logistic regression:machine learning:machine learning model:mean-shift:memory-based reasoning:metric:model selection:multimedia mining:multimodal mining:multilayer perceptron:multivariate data analysis:natural language processing:network:neural network:online analytical processing:online learning:ordinal categorical predictor:outlier analysis:overfitting:principle components analysis:radial basis function network:random forest:recurent neural network:regression:reinforcement learning:self organizing map:semantic web:semi-supervised learning:social data mining:social network analysis:spatio-temporal modeling:statistical learning:structured prediction:supervised learning:support vector machine:text mining:uncertainty model:variable selection:web mining: |
Frabetti | Frederica | Media Theory, Cultural Theory, Cultural Studies, New Media/New Technologies, Gender and Queer Studies: codework:cultural studies:digital humanities:digitisation:gender studies:philosophy:software studies:critical code studies:media archaeology |
Gaber | Mohamed | Data Mining (in data streams), learning from data streams, sensor networks |
González Quirós | José Luis | Philosophie (scheint emeritiert zu sein): las relaciones entre la cultura, la libertad política y las tecnologías, y por otra los que se refieren a lo que podría llamarse filosofía de la medicina |
Gupta | Chetan | data mining, algorithms, complex events processing, situational awareness, workload management, |
Haaheim | Kip | composer and an Associate Professor of Music Composition in the School of Music. I teach composition and music theory sorts of things, and my specialty is using music technology, so that’s where the digital part comes in:audio:creative arts:design:digital humanities:digital pedagogy:genre-specific studies:internet:internet technology:music:music compositionmusic:music historymusic theory (traditional)music theory (new)music technology:open source:social media:teaching:technology |
Hadzic | Fedja | Data mining, Artificial intelligence, Ontology learning |
Henry | Charles | Library systems, language understanding, the evolution of the humanities in a digital era, the organization of information and its support of teaching and research, the concept of a library, and the emerging digital environment for higher education |
Hirsch | Brett | english and cultural studies: Shakespeare; Late medieval and early modern English drama and culture; Scholarly editing, textual studies, and bibliography; History of publishing, the book, and editing; Digital humanities and computational methods in literary studies; Authorship and stylistics; Cultural, literary, and intellectual history: authorship attribution:textual studies:literary studies:renaissance studies:scholarly editing |
Kaplan | Frederic | Digital Humanities, Big Data, Models of language acquisition and evolution, Innovative Interfaces, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Developmental Systems, Intrinsic Motivation, Multi-agent system, Joint attention, Gesture Interaction |
Kruse | Rudolf | statistics, artificial intelligence, expert systems, fuzzy control, fuzzy data analysis, computational intelligence, and information mining. His research group is very successful in various industrial applications |
Krzyzak | Adam | Neural Networks, Signal and Image Processing, Nonparametric Statistics, Machine Learning artificial neural network automatic classification boosting computational learning theory decision tree deep learning feature learning k-nearest neighbor kernel methods machine learning model radial basis function network regression restricted boltzmann machine statistical learning vc theory |
Kusiak | Andrew | Neural Networks, Signal and Image Processing, Nonparametric Statistics, Machine Learning artificial neural network automatic classification boosting computational learning theory decision tree deep learning feature learning k-nearest neighbor kernel methods machine learning model regression restricted boltzmann machine statistical learning vc theory |
Kusiak | Andrew | Energy, Data mining and knowledge discovery, Computational intelligence, Medical informatics and technology, Design of products, components, processes, and systems, Process modeling |
Laurent | Anne | Databases, [Fuzzy-]Data Mining, Data Warehouses, Fuzzy Logic, Sequential Patterns, Fuzzy Summaries, OLAP, [Fuzzy-]OLAP Mining, [Fuzzy-]Tree Mining, Outliers: data mining:data warehousing:database management system:online analytical processing:fuzzy logic |
Liu | Ying | design informatics, manufacturing informatics, intelligent manufacturing, design methodology and process, product design, ICT in design and manufacturing, intelligent data analytics, information processing and management in conceptual design, engineering design and manufacturing using techniques such as data/text mining, machine learning, information retrieval, computational intelligence, AI and so on for knowledge discovery and management purpose |
Mahlow | Cerstin | Writing Technology, Document Engineering, Writing processes, (Computational) morphology, Interactive NLP applications, Human-Computer-Interaction, Usability, Evaluation, Assessment |
Matei | Sorin | Socio-Spatial Shaping of Communication Technology, Social Behaviors and Interactions on Wireless Networks and in Location-Aware Communication Systems, Spatial Analysis Applied to Communication Systems and International Communication Processes and Flows, Mass and New Media Research Methods, Communication and Sociological Theory :collaborative system:multi-agent system:computational learning theory:computational learning theories:data ecology:digital platform:entropy:network:social data mining:social network analysis:vc theory:blended learning:blogging:content analysis:digital humanities:digital pedagogy:geospatial analysis:geospatial technology:scholarly editing:social computing |
Menasalvas | Ernestina | Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Data Mining, Data stream Mininig, webmining, medical data mining, text processing mining, big data analysis |
Meunier | Jean-Guy | Department of philosophy [viel mehr habe ich nicht rausbekommen]:knowledge mining:text mining:applications of computational intelligence:computational linguistics:ontology:semantic analysis:philosophy:conceptual analysis:computer assisted conceptual analysis:digital humanities |
Mitra | Prasenjit | Database Systems, Digital Libraries, Visual Analytics, Data Mining, Semantic Web, Information Retrieval |
Modi | Chintan | Image Processing, Medical Image Processing, Machine Vision, Medical Image Analysis, Compressed Sensing, Constraint Programming |
Morales | Angel | Genetic Algorithms, Data Mining, Neural Networks |
Napoli | Amedeo | knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), Formal Concept Analysis, knowledge representation and reasoning, semantic web:applications of computational intelligence:artificial intelligence:association rule:automatic classification:big data analytics:clustering:cognition modeling:data mining:hierarchical classification:information extraction algorithms:knowledge mining:knowledge representation:knowledge visualization:machine learning:metric, similarity, distance:natural language processing:semantic web:social network analysis:text mining:web mining:content analysis:computational linguistics:crowdsourcing:digital humanities:geospatial analysis:information retrieval:linking, annotation:natural language processing:ontology |
Natale | Enrico | History, Digital Humanities, Oral History, Scholarly Communication, Digital Publishing, History of Computing, Web history, Digital Platforms, Knowledge visualisation, Online learning, Blogging, Copyright & Open Access, Media Studies |
Nayak | Richie | Data, Text and Web Mining; Semi-structured Data Management; Clustering; Tree, Graph and Social Network Mining; Recommender Systems; Information Retrieval; Artificial Intelligence |
Ngu | Hee H. (Anne) | information integration, automating scientific and business processes, service and cloud computing, databases, and object-oriented technologies |
Nyhan | Julianne | Digital Humanities, Oral History, Information studies, XML and metadata languages for the Humanities. At present I am focusing especially on: (i) The history of the remediation of the dictionary at the intersection of Culture, Technology, Learning and Society from medieval to modern times (ii) Retrodigitisation of historical dictionaries and scholarly editions (iii) The History of Computing and Digital Humanities (iv) Oral history:archives:corpus:bibliographic method:big tent digital humanities:blogging:content analysis:digital humanities:digital pedagogy:digitisation:digitam ressource:discourse analysis:oral history:historical studies:history:hypertext:internet:interdisciplinary collaboration:lexicography:text encoding |
Ochoa-Zezzatti | Alberto | AI, Web Mining, Machine Learning:Social Data Mining:Text Mining |
Olsen | Mark | methods and critical theory in digital humanities, French intellectual and political history, book circulation in Montreal and Boston, and the philosophy of history, gendered writing:text mining:concording:corpus stylistics:digital humanities:discourse analysis:french studies:gender studies:history:historical studies:lexicography:philology |
Orlando | Salvatore | High Performance Data-Intensive Algorithms (Data Mining, Information Retrieval, etc.), Programming issues of high performance distributed/heterogeneous architectures, including Grids, Parallel languages and run-time supports, Optimizing and parallelizing compiling techniques:association rule:big data analytics:data-intensive:data warehousing:text mining:web mining:crowdsourcing:digital humanities:geospatial analysis:information retrieval:semantic analysis:social computing:social media: |
Pedreshi | Dino | data mining and logic in databases, and particularly in data analysis, in the integration of data mining and database querying, in spatio-temporal reasoning, and in formal methods for deductive computing |
Quamen | Harvey | science studies, cyberculture, and Modern and Postmodern literature |
Rahtz | Sebastian | TeX, text encoding, TEI schemas, TEI stylesheets, mobile computing, visualization, RDF, CIDOC CRM; applications in archaeology:archaeology:big tent digital humanities:classical studies:copyright:digital humanities:digital standards for data management:digitisation:internet:mashup:mobile application:open source:publishing:semantic web:text encoding |
Ras | Zbigniew | Flexible Query Answering, Health Informatics, Granular Computing, Intelligent Agents, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Music Information Retrieval:clustering :knowledge mining:automatic indexing of video:automatic indexing of music:health informatics:recommender systems:collaborative systems |
Ribeiro | Bernadette | pattern recognition, computational intelligence and support vector machines and their applications to financial risk, fraud detection, bioinformatics and web mining |
Saper | Craig | Professor and Director of the Language, Literacy, and Culture Ph.D. Program: digital pedagogy:digital art:electracy:electronic literature:e-media studies:digital modernism:avant-garde |
Seales | Brent | computer scientist; minimal invasive surgery, visualisation, virtual environments |
Segond | Frederique | text analysis, image (text) recognition, e-learning (sehr anwendungsnah): computational linguistics:content analysis:lexicography:linguistics:morphology:multilinguality:natural language processing:semantic analysis:automatic classification:big data analytics:clustering:knowledge mining:knowledge representation |
Sinatra | Michael E. | British Romantic Literature. Victorian Literature (especially the novel). Queer theory. Film studies. Film and Literature. French and British Romantic writers. Science Fiction. Twentieth-Century Drama. AIDS literature. |
Sredniawa | Marek | Theatre History, The Evolution of Telecommunication and It Future Prospects, Art, Literature, Telecommunications, Art and Science |
Tabata | Tomoji | Digital humanities, corpus stylistics, register variation, authorship attribution (Faculty of language and culture) |
Tangherlini | Tim | folklore, literature, film and critical geography. His main theoretical areas of interest are folk narrative, legend, popular culture, and critical geography. His main geographic areas of interest are the Nordic region (particularly Denmark and Iceland), the United States, and Korea:automatic classification:data mining:machine learning:natural language processing:Networks:Semi-supervised learning:Text mining:Anthropology:Archive:Asian studies:Computational linguistics:Folklore:Morphology |
Theodoropoulos | Georgios | High Performance Computing Systems, Adaptive Complex and Multi-agent systems; Modelling and Distributed Simulation; Dynamic Data Driven Application and info-symbiotic systems; large scale distributed infrastructures, including the Grid, Cloud, Peer-to-Peer systems and the Internet of Things; Big Data; Prescriptive Analytics for complex socio-technical systems |
Todirascu | Amalia | Traitement automatique des langues, extraction d’information, création des ressources électroniques pour la traduction automatique, moteurs de recherche thématiques, extraction de collocations, résolution de coréférence, Natural Language Processing, Information extraction, Machine Translation, MWE expressions extraction and lexicons, coreference resolution |
Trousse | Brigitte |
Artificial Intelligence and Design, (Re)Design of Adaptive Web sites, Adaptive Recommender Systems, Web Usage Mining, Case-based reasoning, Web Semantics, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Viepwoint Managment in Design of Complex systems, Argumentative and topoi-based reasoning, |
Turenne | Nicolas | Text-Mining;User Interaction;Data Analytics; Text Corpus; Social Media; Machine Learning;Digital Humanities |
Vossen | Piek | Full professor Computational Lexicology at the Faculty of Arts, department Language, Cognition and Communication; understanding of natural language through computers with a central role for knowledge sources such as lexicons, ontologies and terminology, deep-reading, semantic parsing, event detection and coreference in text, sentiment & opinion mining, text mining, attribution and provenance models, cross-lingual information extraction |
Vucetic | Slobodan | Data Mining, Machine Learning, Big Data, I am interested in solving real-life knowledge discovery and statistical analysis problems through development of novel machine learning algorithms. My research is driven by open big data analytics problems in a wide array of disciplines such as Healthcare, Epidemiology, Biology, Geosciences, Education, Marketing, Social Networks and Crowdsourcing, Finance, Traffic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Power Systems:data mining:content analysis:crowdsourcing:digital pedagogy:geospatial analysis:gamification:social computing |
Wang | Chunyan | big data, machine learning and complex networks |
Wang | Jason | data mining, databases, data science, big data, bioinformatics, computational genomics, computational proteomics, software development, cyberinfrastructure, digital libraries, and integration informatics (data, tool, application and information integration):boosting:hill climbing search:linear regression:Asian studies |
Yasseri | Taha | big data, human dynamics, peer production, Wikis, online societies, conflict and cooperation, opinion formation, language complexity, collective behaviour |
Zacharski | Ron | applied research in the areas of data mining, natural language processing and machine learning:endangered languages:Text classification:information retrieval. |
Zighed | Djamel | Graphtheorie, Data Mining, Information Retrieval:factor analysis:feature learning:hierarchical classification:algorithms:information extraction:intelligent agent:k-means:k-nearest neighbor:knowledge mining:knowledge representation:knowledge visualization:machine learning:machine learning model:outlier analysis:principle components analysis:random forest:semi-supervised learning:social data mining:supervised learning:text mining:variable selection:archive:authorship attribution:bibliographic method:content analysis:corpus stylistics:digital humanities:ressources:discourse analysis:gender studies:information retrieval:internet:interdisciplinary collaboration:linking:open source:semantic analysis |
Zöllner-Weber | Amélie | Computerphilology; artificial intelligence:decision tree:semantic web:german studies:philology:philosophy |