Takumi Nishi - The Impact of Incumbent/Opposition Status and Ideological Similitude on Emotions in Political Manifestos

jdmdh:11326 - Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 22 septembre 2023, NLP4DH - https://doi.org/10.46298/jdmdh.11326
The Impact of Incumbent/Opposition Status and Ideological Similitude on Emotions in Political ManifestosArticle

Auteurs : Takumi Nishi 1

The study involved the analysis of emotion-associated language in the UK Conservative and Labour party general election manifestos between 2000 to 2019. While previous research have shown a general correlation between ideological positioning and overlap of public policies, there are still conflicting results in matters of sentiments in such manifestos. Using new data, we present how valence level can be swayed by party status within government with incumbent parties presenting a higher frequency in positive emotion-associated words while negative emotion-associated words are more prevalent in opposition parties. We also demonstrate that parties with ideological similitude use positive language prominently further adding to the literature on the relationship between sentiments and party status.

Volume : NLP4DH
Publié le : 22 septembre 2023
Accepté le : 6 juillet 2023
Soumis le : 17 mai 2023
Mots-clés : Computer Science - Computation and Language

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