David Skillicorn ; Christian Leuprecht - Deception in Speeches of Candidates for Public Office

jdmdh:21 - Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, August 17, 2015, 2015 - https://doi.org/10.46298/jdmdh.21
Deception in Speeches of Candidates for Public OfficeArticle

Authors: David Skillicorn 1; Christian Leuprecht 2

  • 1 School of computing [Kingston]
  • 2 Royal Military College of Canada

The contribution of this article is twofold: the adaptation and application of models of deception from psychology, combined with data-mining techniques, to the text of speeches given by candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential election; and the observation of both short-term andmedium-term differences in the levels of deception. Rather than considering the effect of deception on voters, deception is used as a lens through which to observe the self-perceptions of candidates and campaigns. The method of analysis is fully automated and requires no human coding, and so can be applied to many other domains in a straightforward way. The authors posit explanations for the observed variation in terms of a dynamic tension between the goals of campaigns at each moment in time, for example gaps between their view of the candidate’s persona and the persona expected for the position; and the difficulties of crafting and sustaining a persona, for example, the cognitive cost and the need for apparent continuity with past actions and perceptions. The changes in the resulting balance provide a new channel by which to understand the drivers of political campaigning, a channel that is hard to manipulate because its markers are created subconsciously.

Volume: 2015
Published on: August 17, 2015
Accepted on: August 17, 2015
Submitted on: July 17, 2014
Keywords: political discourse,corpus analytics,U.S. presidential elections,deception,singular value decomposition,[SHS.SCIPO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Political science

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