Mariannig Le Béchec ; Célya Gruson-Daniel ; Clémence Lascombes ; Émilien Schultz - Notebook and Open science : toward more FAIR play

jdmdh:13428 - Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 16 décembre 2024, Atelier Digit\_Hum -
Notebook and Open science : toward more FAIR playArticle

Auteurs : Mariannig Le Béchec ORCID1,2; Célya Gruson-Daniel ORCID3,4; Clémence Lascombes 3,4; Émilien Schultz 5,6,7

Notebooks are now commonly used in digital research practices. Despite their increasing ubiquity, the characteristics, roles, and uses associated with notebooks have seldom been studied from a social science perspective. In this article, we present an overview of the available empirical work on notebooks in order to describe existing practices, typologies crafted to grasp their diversity, and their limitations when used in data analysis workflows. Following this review, which highlights a focus of studies on interactive computational notebooks specifically within data science rather than research practices in academic contexts, we discuss the role of notebooks as a vector and lever for the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles associated with open science.

Volume : Atelier Digit\_Hum
Publié le : 16 décembre 2024
Accepté le : 21 novembre 2024
Soumis le : 17 avril 2024
Mots-clés : notebook,literate programming,jupyter,open science,FAIR,[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences,[SHS.HISPHILSO]Humanities and Social Sciences/History, Philosophy and Sociology of Sciences

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