Claire Clivaz ; Sara Schulthess ; Martial Sankar - Editing New Testament Arabic Manuscripts in a TEI-base: fostering close reading in Digital Humanities

jdmdh:1390 - Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 8 juin 2017, Numéro spécial sur le traitement assisté par ordinateur de l‘intertextualité dans les langues anciennes -
Editing New Testament Arabic Manuscripts in a TEI-base: fostering close reading in Digital HumanitiesArticle

Auteurs : Claire Clivaz ORCID1; Sara Schulthess 1; Martial Sankar 1

  • 1 Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics [Lausanne]

If one is convinced that " quantitative research provides data not interpretation " [Moretti, 2005, 9], close reading should thus be considered as not only the necessary bridge between big data and interpretation but also the core duty of the Humanities. To test its potential in a neglected field – the Arabic manuscripts of the Letters of Paul of Tarsus – an enhanced, digital edition has been in development as a progression of a Swiss National Fund project. This short paper presents the development of this edition and perspectives regarding a second project. Based on the Edition Visualization Technology tool, the digital edition provides a transcription of the Arabic text, a standardized and vocalized version, as well as French translation with all texts encoded in TEI XML. Thanks to another Swiss National Foundation subsidy, a new research project on the unique New Testament, trilingual (Greek-Latin-Arabic) manuscript, the Marciana Library Gr. Z. 11 (379), 12th century, is currently underway. This project includes new features such as " Textlink " , " Hotspot " and notes: HumaReC.

Volume : Numéro spécial sur le traitement assisté par ordinateur de l‘intertextualité dans les langues anciennes
Rubrique : Présentations de projets
Publié le : 8 juin 2017
Accepté le : 26 mai 2017
Soumis le : 8 juin 2017
Mots-clés : Digital edition,Arabic TEI,New Testament,Letters,Paul of Tarsus,[SHS.RELIG] Humanities and Social Sciences/Religions,[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature,[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History
Financement :
    Source : OpenAIRE Graph
  • Les manuscrits arabes des lettres de Paul de Tarse. La reprise d'un champ de recherche négligé; Financeur: Swiss National Science Foundation; Code: 143810
  • HumaReC - Humanities Research and Continuous Publishing: a digital New Testament test-case; Financeur: Swiss National Science Foundation; Code: 169869

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