David Pastorelli - A Classification of Manuscripts Based on A New Quantitative Method. The Old Latin Witnesses of John's Gospel as Text Case

jdmdh:3783 - Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 21 octobre 2017, Numéro spécial sur le traitement assisté par ordinateur de l‘intertextualité dans les langues anciennes - https://doi.org/10.46298/jdmdh.3783
A Classification of Manuscripts Based on A New Quantitative Method. The Old Latin Witnesses of John's Gospel as Text CaseArticle

Auteurs : David Pastorelli 1

A new method for grouping manuscripts in clusters is presented with the calculation of distances between readings, then between witnesses. A classification algorithm (" Hierarchical Ascendant Clustering "), achieved through computer-aided processing, enables the construction of trees illustrating the textual taxonomy obtained. This method is applied to the Old Latin witnesses of the Gospel of John, and, in order to provide a study of a reasonable size, to a chapter as a whole (chapter 14). The result basically confirms the text-types identified by Bonatius Fischer, founder of the Vetus Latina Institute, while it invalidates the classification adopted by the current edition of the Vetus Latina of the Gospel of John.

Volume : Numéro spécial sur le traitement assisté par ordinateur de l‘intertextualité dans les langues anciennes
Rubrique : Gestion de différents types de réutilisations de textes
Publié le : 21 octobre 2017
Accepté le : 18 octobre 2017
Soumis le : 10 juillet 2017
Mots-clés : Manuscripts,Gospel of John,latin witnesses,[SHS.STAT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Methods and statistics,[SHS.RELIG] Humanities and Social Sciences/Religions

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