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Digital humanities require IT Infrastructure and sophisticated analytical tools, including datavisualization, data mining, statistics, text mining and information retrieval. Regarding funding, tobuild a local data center will necessitate substantial investments. Fortunately, there is another optionthat will help researchers take advantage of these IT services to access, use and share informationeasily. Cloud services ideally offer on-demand software and resources over the Internet to read andanalyze ancient documents. More interestingly, billing system is completely flexible and based onresource usage and Quality of Service (QoS) level. In spite of its multiple advantages, outsourcingcomputations to an external provider arises several challenges. Specifically, security is the majorfactor hindering the widespread acceptance of this new concept. As a case study, we review the use ofcloud computing to process digital images safely. Recently, various solutions have been suggested tosecure data processing in cloud environement. Though, ensuring privacy and high performance needsmore improvements to protect the organization's most sensitive data. To this end, we propose aframework based on segmentation and watermarking techniques to ensure data privacy. In this respect,segementation algorithm is used to to protect client's data against untauhorized access, whilewatermarking method determines and maintains ownership. Consequentely, this framework willincrease the speed of development on ready-to-use digital humanities tools.