Jalil Elhassouni ; Mehdi Bazzi ; Abderrahim Qadi ; Mohamed Haziti
Applying ontologies to data integration systems for bank credit risk management
jdmdh:3138 -
Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities,
2 janvier 2018,
Numéro spécial sur la veille stratégique scientifique et technologique (2016)
Applying ontologies to data integration systems for bank credit risk managementArticle
1 Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique et Télécommunications [Rabat]
2 LIAD Laboratory, FSAC, Hassan II University, Morocco
3 Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Meknès
This paper proposes an ontological integration model for credit risk management. It is based on three ontologies; one is global describing credit risk management process and two other locals, the first, describes the credit granting process, and the second presents the concepts necessary for the monitoring of credit system. This paper also presents the technique used for matching between global ontology and local ontologies.