Orna Almogi ; Lena Dankin ; Nachum Dershowitz ; Lior Wolf
A Hackathon for Classical Tibetan
jdmdh:2047 -
Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities,
1 janvier 2019,
Numéro spécial sur le traitement assisté par ordinateur de l‘intertextualité dans les langues anciennes
A Hackathon for Classical TibetanArticle
Auteurs : Orna Almogi 1,2; Lena Dankin 3; Nachum Dershowitz 3; Lior Wolf 3
Orna Almogi;Lena Dankin;Nachum Dershowitz;Lior Wolf
We describe the course of a hackathon dedicated to the development of linguistic tools for Tibetan Buddhist studies. Over a period of five days, a group of seventeen scholars, scientists, and students developed and compared algorithms for intertextual alignment and text classification, along with some basic language tools, including a stemmer and word segmenter.