Djibril Diarra ; Martine Clouzot ; Christophe Nicolle - Raisonnement causale et relations symboliques dans les Enluminures médiévales

jdmdh:4459 - Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 15 juillet 2019, Numéro spécial sur la science des données et les humanités numériques @EGC 2018 -
Raisonnement causale et relations symboliques dans les Enluminures médiévalesArticle

Auteurs : Djibril Diarra ORCID1; Martine Clouzot 2,3; Christophe Nicolle ORCID1

This work applies knowledge engineering’s techniques to medieval illuminations. Inside it, an illumination is considered as a knowledge graph which was used by some elites in the Middle Ages to represent themselves as a social group and exhibit the events in their lives, and their cultural values. That graph is based on combinations of symbolic elements linked each to others with semantic relations. Those combinations were used to encode visual metaphors and influential messages whose interpretations are sometimes tricky for not experts. Our work aims to describe the meaning of those elements through logical modelling using ontologies. To achieve that, we construct logical reasoning rules and simulate them using artificial intelligence mechanisms. The goal is to facilitate the interpretation of illuminations and provide, in a future evolution of current social media, logical formalisation of new encoding and information transmission services.

Volume : Numéro spécial sur la science des données et les humanités numériques @EGC 2018
Publié le : 15 juillet 2019
Accepté le : 14 mai 2018
Soumis le : 24 avril 2018
Mots-clés : Symbolic relation,Semantic relation,Medieval illumination,Social network,Ontology,[INFO.INFO-AI]Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI],[INFO.INFO-DB]Computer Science [cs]/Databases [cs.DB],[INFO.INFO-SI]Computer Science [cs]/Social and Information Networks [cs.SI],[INFO.INFO-SE]Computer Science [cs]/Software Engineering [cs.SE],[INFO.INFO-CY]Computer Science [cs]/Computers and Society [cs.CY],[INFO.INFO-WB]Computer Science [cs]/Web

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